Bid and Award Contract for 2022 Roadwork Project for ≤$2.1M - YES
Every year, once the rainy season ends, the Town embarks on its annual roadwork project to repair and repave the Town's most dilapidated...
Extend Private Sewer Lateral Grant Program - YES
Sewer infrastructure in Corte Madera has two main components: the public sewer mains and pump stations that are owned and maintained by...
Create In-House Public Works Inspector Position - YES
This is another step forward in our recent work of shifting from the costly and unreliable model of relying on expensive third-party...
Approve Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget - YES
Like all cities, Corte Madera has been through a lot over the last few years, including a viral pandemic and associated economic...
Approve Sanitary District FY22-23 Budget - YES
In parallel with the Town's budget process and approval, I also voted to approve a strong and balanced budget for Sanitary District 2,...
Place Proposal to Renew Paramedic Tax on 2022 Ballot - YES
For decades, Corte Madera has funded and provided our own paramedic service through our fire department, thanks to the passage of a...
Adopt New Requirements for Affordable Housing in Multi-Unit Developments - YES
Like most issues that touch on housing and land use, this is a complex one, and while I will provide a high-level overview here, you can...