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Award <$2,500,000 for Tamal Vista Complete Streets - YES

Tamal Vista Boulevard is one of the major thoroughfares in town, and it's long been plagued by poor road condition and severe congestion. We voted to allow the Department of Public Works to advertise for bids and award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder not to exceed $2.5 million—Public Works' estimate of the maximum amount this project should reasonably cost—to revamp this important corridor, bringing it into compliance with the "Complete Streets" standard (similar to the circulation, safety, and aesthetic improvements recently made on Tamalpais Drive).

This project will see the corridor repaved with fresh asphalt, make circulation improvements to reduce congestion, and make critical safety improvements for all modes of transportation, including cyclists and pedestrians. It will also make the Tamal Vista corridor more visually attractive, which is good for residents and businesses alike.

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