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Appoint Adam Wolff as Town Manager - YES

Tonight, Corte Madera entered an exciting new era, with the Town Council's unanimous vote to appoint Adam Wolff—our former Planning & Building Director, and Interim Town Manager since July—as our new Town Manager.

Over his years of service to our community, Adam has established himself as a fair, thoughtful, and intelligent leader who understands the importance of examining an issue from all sides, and building consensus within the community. His tenure as head of the Planning & Building Department saw a substantial increase in that department's functionality, but recognizing that Town Manager is a significantly broader and more challenging job, Adam and the Council agreed that he should experience the role on a temporary basis before any decision on hiring was made.

I am pleased to say that Adam has done very well as Town Manager over the last 5 months, showing an impressive aptitude for the role and seemingly undaunted by the substantial learning curve. In light of this, I was thrilled to vote for his appointment as Town Manager. I extend to him my warmest congratulations; I've been very proud to see his growth, and am grateful for his service to our community. Here's to a productive partnership ahead!

Per his employment contract with the Town, Adam will start with a base salary of approximately $234,000. That's near the median for city managers in Marin County (although we consider his level of ability to be above the median) as has traditionally been our practice.


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